Release unlimited
music‍ everywhere
for free

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tracks on the playlists



released tracks


Being a leader is not about
being a boss

Drop unlimited singles, EPs and albums on more global music services than anywhere else.
Release to the biggest music streaming, download and social platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Amazon, Deezer, Instagram, Tidal, UMA, and and over 250 DSPs worldwide - for free.
We’ve slowly learnt that as we look to change the industry for the better it’s less about experience and more about attitude.

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    Timed Release

    Make sure your songs are released at the same time around the world, instead of at midnight in each local timezone

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    Album Editing

    Edit tool to make changes to your distributed releases. Edit metadata (new audio or art).

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    Basic Financial Tools

    Withdraw your earnings at any time. Download monthly statements

Music Publishing

You are missing out on 50% of your royalties (even if you are using a Performing Rights Organisation). Register your songs with our Music Publishing service and we'll collect ALL the royalties you are owed, including those your PRO does not.

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License your music to Netflix, Sony Pictures, Universal. Sync Licensing for TV, film, games & ads

Free sync licensing representation to get your music TV, film, games and advertsJoin our long-established music licensing sync agency for free and we'll pitch your music to music supervisors and media buyers including Netflix, Disney, 20th Century Fox, SKY TV and The BBC.

Tastemaker Spotify & Youtube Music Playlists

Whatever your kind of music you make, our editorial team wants to hear it! Our playlists have thousands of followers worldwide, so submit your tracks for the chance to be featured.
We love to feature upcoming EPLACID artists on the playlists of our partners! ‍It's easy to submit your latest track. Just let us know about you and your music and choose which of our playlists you'd like to submit for. We listen to every submission - so hit the button below to get started.

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Artist Services
  • Your Distribution

    Sell your music online everywhere

    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Unlimited music distribution worldwide
    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Direct access to 250+ digital stores and streaming services
    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Social Platforms Distribution
    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Free UPC and ISRC codes
    • Youtube Official Artist Channel
    • Pre Saves / Smartlinks
    • Playlist Placement Tracker
  • Your Rights

    Neighboring Rights Administration

    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Collecting your royalties globally/worldwide
    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Register recordings with Collective Management Organizations (CMOs)
    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Offering advanced analytics on where your performance and mechanical royalties come from
    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Content ID Tracker
    • Youtube Claim Removal
    • SoundExchange, PPL, Acinpro
  • Music licensing

    Join Our Sync Agency

    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      License your music to Netflix, Sony Pictures, Universal and many more
    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Our in-house creative team in London
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      For Non-Exclusive Agreements, you receive 75% of the sync fee (our cut is 25%)
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      It's 80% if you've signed an Exclusive Agreement (We retain 20%).
    • id="cli-check" lang="en">
      Audio Clips for TikTok and Ringtones
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      Cover Song
Get started today

Join for free

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ